Advanced + Nitrox (22-40% Oxygen) + Sidemount Diver
Expand Your Skills The Avenger Way
Start SCUBA Diving The Right Way
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Reasons To Choose Qoshki Dive
Do you know Zaidah, one of our founder was someone who is scared of water?
Based on her experience; from someone who was scared of water to a Technical Diver, we construct our SCUBA Diving Coaching uniquely to assist you from ZERO TO HERO.
Know more at About Us.
1. Unique SCUBA Diving Coaching
Start your SCUBA Diving journey with pool coaching first. With the minimum of 6 pool sessions, we want to make sure you develop well of all compulsory SCUBA Skills before going to the ocean for final evaluation.
We do not want to qualify you for the sake of qualification but rather we want to assist and coach you to be a competent, independent diver who can dive-conquer the world.
During the pool coaching. intensively practice your frog-kick finning, neutral buoyancy, trimming, diaphragmatic breathing as well as all SCUBA Skills.
Attention to someone who have fear of water; by giving your best, cooperation and determination, our unique SCUBA Coaching definitely suitable for you.
By consistently practicing at the pool for 6 sessions or more, you can definitely develop the competent skill of a SCUBA Diver.

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2. Coach by Technical Diving Instructor
Our Instructor is a Technical Diving Instructor. It's a privilege for you as you will have the element of technical diving during your recreational diving coaching.
That's why we are emphasis on your finning, which is frog-kick finning, neutral buoyancy, trimming and diaphragmatic breathing because these elements are very crucial in technical diving.
These elements also make you a competent recreational diver, making you more relax while diving, save your air consumption and increase your confidence.
Know more about SCUBA Diving at What Is SCUBA Diving.
3. High Quality SCUBA Gear
You already invested in your time, money and energy. Definitely we want you to experience the best and great quality SCUBA gear. You will wear Xdeep Zeos BCD for great trimming, Deep6 regulator for comfort breathing and actual diving fins, not snorkelling fins. You will also wear Shearwater dive computer to monitor and understand your dive even better.
Incorporating dive computer in your SCUBA Diving coaching makes you a competent, self-reliant diver. You are monitoring your dive on your own dive without relying on other diver. In this way, you can make your own decision that is best for your safety.
Your regulator is in long hose configuration; a technical diving element that we incorporate into recreational diving coaching. This configuration is actually much more efficient, give more safety and comfort during air-sharing event. Furthermore, your alternate air source is just under your chin rather than dangling on your right side.

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4. Small Group Coaching
We do not chase quantity. We emphasize on Quality. We limited to 4 divers per Instructor for the coaching. Most of the time, we do ONE-TO-ONE only especially for someone who is scared of water.
We want to give full attention to your training because you deserve it. Full attention hence great outcome.
5. High Quality Videos and photos
You have your own underwater videographer to capture your important moments.
The videos captured during the pool coaching will be discussed after each session so that you can see your own performance and improve it in the next session.
Furthermore, it is great to watch back all the videos to reminiscing your victory and share with anyone who might clueless on what's, how's underwater feels, looks like.
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6. Lifetime Support
We want to accompany you much further along the path, indicating the route you need to take and providing you with the background knowledge you need to make the right choices.
Whatever inquiry you want to ask after your graduation, we are honoured to assist.
7. Special Price
We are also an authorized dealer of Shearwater and Deep6. Special price is waiting for your dive computer and regulator.

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